Save 40 to 90 cents Per Gallon Of Gas With Fuel Directs' XP3

Setting Up Your Home Business With Fuel Direct

So what does it cost to get started with Fuel Direct?

Product Cost:
36 torpedoes of XP3 (treats 720 gallons of gas) $200 + shipping, $14 for replicated website. The average person is realizing a savings of $10 per tank of gas. 36 torpedoes of XP3 x $10= $360. By using XP3 you are now approx $150 ahead.

Possible Tax benefits:

The XP3 product and the website would qualify as a deduction. (Please consult your tax professional). Also you may want to "test XP3" to see how many miles per tank more you achieve! Let's say you test 10 tanks of gas x an average of 300 miles per tank = 3000 miles. The current business mileage rate is .52 per mile. 3000 miles x .52 = $1560 x 33% bracket = $515 (Every situation may vary. Please consult you tax accountant)

Net Cost:
Gas Savings $360 + Tax benefits $214 +$515 = $1089 -
XP3 & website $214 + shipping
= Net cost of $875 in YOUR FAVOR

This is without even earning money yet!