Save 40 to 90 cents Per Gallon Of Gas With Fuel Directs' XP3

How Do You Make Money With Fuel Direct?

Making Money With Fuel Direct

Fuel Direct has set-up a turn-key presentational system.  They have truly created an environment of sharing instead of selling.  When you first get started you pay $229 and receive $229 worth of Xp3 (36 Torpedoes which treat up to 20 gallons of gas each!).   When you share the fact that the average person saves $10 per tank of gas on XP3 people become interested.  When they are interested they often would like to know more.  When they want to know more you simply share your link to them and they can go discover all there is to know about Fuel Direct and Xp3.  Could it be any easier?  No selling...only sharing.  You simply act as their tour guide and direct them to the information.

Then, as you cycle, Fuel Direct will continue to send you more product to share!  In each cycle you get a $300 check, a $50 gas card, and 12 more torpedoes to use!   For more information on how the 2 x2 cycle matrix works go to

                                           When You Cycle, Fuel Direct Pays $300 + $50 Gas Card
                                                 And 12 Torpedoes of XP3.  Paid Daily!

A. How to Become a Fuel direct Member
Submit the Fuel direct Member Agreement Form online or complete the Fuel Direct Member
Agreement Form through Customer Service by phone, mail or fax.
Purchase a personalized Fuel direct Replicated Website for $14.00
(includes a turn-key system with lead capture for presentation and hosting for a year).

B. How to Activate your Fuel direct Member Account to Receive commissions
Generate a $214.00 order for one of the following items:
item #198807 – 3 Cases of Xp3 GAS Torpedoes (1 Case – 12 bottles – .80 oz each)
item #198808 – 3 Cases of Xp3 diesel Torpedoes (1 Case – 12 bottles – .80 oz each)
item #198818 – 16 Bottles of Xp3 diesel 4 oz (16 Bottles – 4 oz each)

C. How to Qualify for cycle commissions
Personally Sponsor and sell 3 cases of
Xp3 Torpedoes OR 16 Bottles of 4 oz Xp3 Diesel
to two new Fuel direct Members.
If you do not qualify within your first 30 days from the
date of enrollment and your 2 x 2 Matrix fills, then you
will cycle under your Fuel Direct Sponsor without
receiving Cycle Commissions until you qualify.

D. How to earn cycle commissions
complete your FiRSt cycle with a 2 x 2 Matrix that consists of 6 Fuel Direct Team sales.
• When you complete your FIRST CYCLE, you earn the following
Cycle Commissions:
$300 commission check
$50 Gas card*
Xp3 Fuel Additives (12 – 0.80 oz Torpedoes OR 5 – 4 oz
1 FRee natureRich Wealth Builder Membership that is
automatically promoted to the District Manager Level, which
receives 5 Levels of Residual Commissions if you are an Active
Distributor. If you are already a NatureRich Distributor, you will be
placed at the Wealth Builder Level and promoted to the District
Manager Level, which receives 5 Levels of Residual Commissions
if you are an Active Distributor.
FRee re-entry into the 2 x 2 Matrix in the next available position
under your Fuel Direct Sponsor.

Compensation Plan

D. How to earn cycle commissions
complete your Second cyle with a 2 x 2 Matrix that consists of 6 Fuel Direct Team sales.
• When you complete your SECOND CYCLE, you earn the following Cycle Commissions:
$300 commission check
$50 Gas card*
Xp3 Fuel Additives (12 – 0.80 oz Torpedoes OR 5 – 4 oz Bottles)**
• After every cycle you complete, you receive a FREE re-entry into the 2 x 2 Matrix in the next available
position under your Fuel Direct Sponsor and earn Cycle Commissions ($300 Commission Check, $50
Gas Card* and Xp3 Fuel Additives**) after completing a 2 x 2 Matrix that consists of 6 Fuel Direct Team
Note: No limit to the number of Cycle Commissions earned. You will continue to receive Gas or Diesel
Xp3 based on the fuel type that was selected when activating your Fuel Direct Member Account. If you
would like to change your fuel type, you must call Customer Service one business day prior to earning
your Cycle Commissions.
E. cycle commissions are calculated daily and Rewarded daily
• Cycle Commissions are calculated every business day and paid out one week after being earned.
• Cycle Commissions are rewarded and mailed out every business day.
For more information on how the 2 x2 cycle matrix works go to